300 people tested for HIV in Katanga Village -Wandegeya

We conducted medical mission on 3rd April, 2016 in katanga village wandegeya ( kampala suburb ) under theme : know ur status. A well trained team with vast experience in hiv from mulago and other neighbouring private hospitals came and educated the masses on the advantages of screening for HIV . We were able to test atleast 300 people that day which is actually the best result so far since we started as an organisation. We were able to find 45 people out of 300, positive with HIV and made a good follow up by registering them and up todate we keep in touch with them and ensure they do access health care in near by Hiv centres. We also taught peoples how to use condom and use it correctly all times.‬ We were able to compile some of the questions asjed by the masses; questions like, do u get HIV through sweat ? Do u get HIV through kissing ? Is it automatic that you will have to produce positve baby when you are HIV positve ?‬ Are there people who are immune to HIV ?‬ All these questions were answered and all misleading mischiefs delt with‬.

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